Monday, September 15, 2008

In The Beginning...

Well school has been going on now for about two weeks. I have been really busy getting settled in here at Columbia! I am having a blast! Classes are going to be a lot of work, but I am going to really enjoy them. 

The community here at CTS is just what I thought it was going to be like. I am having a great time getting to know everyone here. I can feel a strong connection with most of my colleagues. As one would guess, living in such a close community there are times when there is conflict. From time to time my personality has and will continue to clash with others. I am working hard at handling my self so I can grow closer to these people. This is something I will continue to pray about for sometime! 

Along with my new beginnings here at CTS, I have new beginnings in a church. Last week was my first week as Director of Youth Ministries at Eastminster Presbyterian Church. I am really looking forward to the opportunity I am going to have at this church. I am excited to get to know these young people and the congregation as a whole. 

I pray that I may patients grows, with myself, others, and God. I pray that through my growing patients I may have stronger relationships with myself, others, and God. I hope that as I go forward in my studies I will hear God's call clearer.